A timeless piece is described as creative artistic idea that can phase through time without losing its relevance. They have become a statement of our generations and a point of reference in the technological era of social media. When we think of the sculpture of David, the Cloud Gate in Chicago, or the Louis Bourgeois Giant Spider, they all have one thing in common – Timeless social media presence.
As we move into the generation of content creation and self promotion, impact and relevance should be your new goal. As a business entrepreneur the question should always be, do we have a timeless piece that is of reference to our business? Can we capture the attention of all, with one artistic piece and what are their social media limitations?

To reach that conclusion is not as simple as thinking in retrospective, but by thinking in the reactive social cues of the mass and understanding multi platform advertising. The success of your business will depend on social media visibility, your product and the ability to self display the product experience.